Swiss Standard of Living?
Did you also see hundreds of elderly Swiss
cleaning toilets or clearing dishes in restaurants?
Wait Long Long ...
My foot! Got meh?
What We Do
We're on a mission to connect your cause to the people who care for your rerirement. And to share with you why you need alternate retirement planning.
Swiss Cost of Living
Before you can have Swiss Standard of Living, you must experience the Swiss Cost of Living!
You die my problem meh? I can always replace you with FT!
Talk one act two
Give you one chicken wing and take back whole chicken plus young chicken and eggs.
Still dare to take?
CPF Savings ... can see cannot touch one
No touch touch hor ... you can touch only when you are dead.
Die early to get your CPF
First thing to do : Do an estate plan and write a will. What’s estate planning?
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Before you impart your savings to invest in any schemes, please check it out at https://www.scamalert.sg/ operated by Singapore police. Better still, talk to experienced people about your investments.
Exercise to maintain your health after you retire. Need not be strenous exercises. Qi Gong, Taichi and meditation, etc are good for your health, Watch your calories intake and if possible, stop smoking and drinking.
Whatsapp Lawrence at https://wa.me/6592766876text=healthylivingtalks
Old does not mean you have to wait and do nothing until your time comes to leave this world. You can still be “active” in many ways to enjoy your sunset days. Let’s us share with you what you can do to create finance, joy and health. Click below to WhatsApp us.
Whatsapp Lawrence at https://wa.me/6592766876?text=retirelikeasinkie
Learn why the Swiss are so rich despite only 30% owns properties.
Whatsapp Lawrence at https://wa.me/6592766876?text=retirelikeasinkie
HDB assisted living flats for retiring seniors
Whatsapp Lawrence at https://wa.me/6592766876?text=retirelikeasinkie
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Any views, opinions, references, assertions of fact and/or other statements that a financial representative may set out on his/her social media account (s) or otherwise are his/her personal view and are not necessarily the views held by any financial institutions. The financial institution group (s) disclaim any liability whatsoever that may arise out of or in connection with such statements.
Whatsapp Lawrence at https://wa.me/6592766876?text=retirelikeasinkie
Who We Are
We're on a mission to retire by proper retirement planning
(normal and alternate ways)Lawrence NL Tham
Lawrence can’t stop and won’t stop. That’s probably why coffee is his best friend. Running on sheer drive and a relentless vision, Lawrence will cross the finish line and then will keep on sprinting for miles. For him, there’s no point in slowing down when there’s limitless potential to help people to write eBooks for profits. He is particularly interested to help financial planners to achineve MDRT using eBooks as he was a financial planner before he semi retire ro become ebook writer and trainer.
Contact WhatsApp Lawrence at
+65 9276 6876
Lawrence Tham © 2019